Hope is a Discipline (60th October Salon, Belgrade)
October 2024

- visual identity, space design

Hope is not just a feeling; it is an action rooted in the belief that transformation and change are always possible. Taking the slogan “Hope is a Discipline,” frequently used by community organiser and activist Mariame Kaba as a point of departure, the exhibition brings together artists, networks, and grassroots initiatives for whom art functions as a connective tissue in fostering solidarity and mutual support. Drawing also on the legacy and social values of the Non-Aligned Movement, the exhibition explores the potential of subtle micropolitical artistic acts as coping mechanisms in the face of current exploitative corporate takeovers, repressive political tendencies, and environmental challenges. An important aspect of the project is its pace, resisting the tendency of large exhibitions to overproduce, speed up, and stretch capacities. Whether our attempt was successful is an open question. However, we have succeeded in unifying five exhibition spaces to present artworks diverse in format, media, and meaning that engage with the slogan “Hope is a Discipline” in grounded, dedicated, and thoughtful ways.

Lina Dzuverovic in collaboration with Ana Knezevic and Emilia Epstajn.

Photo: Katie LockePhoto: Katie Locke   Photo: Lina DzuverovicPhoto: Lina Dzuverovic   Photo: Lina DzuverovicPhoto: Lina Dzuverovic   Photo: Lina DzuverovicPhoto: Lina Dzuverovic   Photo: Emma Szabó Photo: Emma Szabó   Photo: Emma Szabó Photo: Emma Szabó