"Of Boychick and Stuff" by Marcin Gokieli
– A Book for Two # 2

READING ROOM at Chlodna 25, Warsaw
3rd of March, 2011

"Of Boychick and Stuff" is a tale of a non-standard family. Basia, her son/daughter Boychick and the mysterious Disorder live together in a house in the woods. Unfortunately, some conflicts appear... Is there something stronger then any of them? Or maybe it's just the strongest one who wins?

In my fairytales there's no shortage of weird details, or linguistic extravaganza. The reader is presented with a lead plot, but he or she can choose as well to concentrate on the verbal rhythms or changes in the metaphysical condition of the characters.

I think my texts are not stories to be known and understood. They rather have the role of a map or an illustrated guide, thanks to which the reader can think, imagine, and feel. I hope that thanks to our collaborative efforts telling, reading, and listening to stories will have less to do with spiritual experiences but more with mass riot.

– Marcin Gokieli, author of the tale